Saturday, August 11, 2012

CC's New Room

It's done!  Well, almost.  There are a few tiny things that need to be finished, but basically it's ready to go.  CC will sleep in her new room tonight for the first time!

(Ahem.  For those of you keeping track, yes, I am late -- by 11 days.  My goal was to have CC in her new room by the end of July, but I failed miserably.  The whole thing came together in the last week -- an incredible transformation!)

My mom helped me make the curtains (store-bought with custom-sewn trim), and I covered the cornice boards myself.  In the process I gained a sewing machine and a staple gun, both sure to be useful at some point in the future.

Eventually we will get a nice chair/glider for this room, but for now an extra dining room chair with a slipcover will suffice.  And in real life, the letters of her name are framed above her crib, but (as usual) I removed them for the blog.

An old bookshelf I'd forgotten we had in storage is the perfect addition.  Thank goodness I hadn't given it away!  Look how much more room CC has for books now!

The only remaining things to be done: put family pictures up in the frames (already ordered and on their way), and add some nice baskets with liners on the dresser to hold diapers and other necessities.

I couldn't have done it without our parents, who deserve a huge thank you!

I've been calling it her "big girl" room, but to be honest, it's not any "bigger" than her nursery.  It still has a changing table and a crib, as appropriate for a newborn as it is for an almost-16-month-old.  However, it is the room we intend for CC to have for a while, and eventually she'll have a matching big girl bed instead of a crib, so I still think of it as a milestone for her.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Wow! The curtains look awesome - by far my favorite part of the transformation. I am sure CC approves. You should be proud of yourself for all you did in such a short period of time.