Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mass Musings

Small things I loved about going to Mass with my newly expanded family this morning:

- Making it out the door in time (despite the fact that I didn't get a shower).
- Running into our pastor outside the building and introducing him to the babies.
- CC charming a woman in the pew behind us by waving and playing peekaboo.
- Sweet Pea's snoring during the quietest -- and most sacred! -- part of the Mass.  
- CC's happy babbling (even if it was loud enough that MJ had to carry her out).
- Hauling both carseats up to Communion by myself (a first!) because MJ was still gone with CC.

- Catching the elderly lady behind us putting Little Man's pacifier back in his mouth when he started fussing.
- CC running back to join me in the pew, clutching a donut in her chubby little hand.

- Having several people tell us how blessed we are!

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