Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reflux Update

Oh, Little Man. It's a good thing I love you so much, otherwise I might list you on Ebay. For sale: one tiny but incredibly frustrating baby boy. Acts starving but will not eat. Must be swaddled at all times, preferably with pacifier superglued into his mouth. Price negotiable.

As you might have gathered, the Zantac is not working. Worse yet, his agitation and screaming during nursing sessions is starting to affect Sweet Pea, so now I have two babies who won't eat.

I spoke to the pediatrician at length yesterday, and she has convinced me to try him on Prevacid. We will pick up the prescription as soon as we deal with some insurance issues (argh!) and will know within a few days whether it is having any effect. At this point, the idea of Little Man eating calmly and peacefully seems like absolute bliss, yet I have a hard time believing we will ever get there!

One (tiny) bit of good news: the doctor reassured me that you cannot swaddle a baby too much at this age.  Whew!  I was worried we were going to stunt his development, he spends so much time wrapped up like a mummy.

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