Monday, October 8, 2012

Football Getaway

MJ and I returned yesterday from a fantastic getaway to Chicago for the Notre Dame game against Miami.  The Irish played the Hurricanes in Soldier Field (the Chicago Bears' home stadium) and won in ridiculously decisive fashion.  The final score was 41-3, which makes it the third straight game where we have not allowed a single touchdown.  Go Irish!

The weekend was made even better by two things: we were able to visit with our good friend Chris, who opened his lakefront condo to us and brought us to a rockin' tailgate; and Army won their game against Boston College earlier in the day.  The Army win was a last-second victory and quite unexpected, so it set a great tone for the rest of the day.  Woo hoo -- Go Army!

My parents stayed at our house to care for the three kids in our absence.  And (of course) the twins slept for SIX HOURS both nights!  They have never done that for me.  My parents have some kind of magical sleeping potion that I definitely need!

It was really nice to spend some adult-only time with MJ, and get a few nights without waking every three hours to feed Sweet Pea and Little Man.  Still, it was even nicer to get back home to a very enthusiastic greeting from CC!  Little Man and Sweet Pea welcomed us home in their own way by waking up over 15 times last night -- no joke.  Home sweet home!

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