Thursday, November 1, 2012

Little Man Update

Unfortunately we still haven't gotten a handle on Little Man's feeding issues. He screams and fusses, constantly stiffens his entire body, and stays agitated for about 20 minutes after eating. He can sleep laying flat on his back, though, and rarely spits up. We've tried everything the pediatrician and I could think of (bottle feeding, formula, Zantac, Prevacid) and nothing seemed to do the trick. So off we went to the pediatric gastroenterologist.

She took one look at Little Man's behavior while feeding and declared that he has reflux plus uncomfortable gas. She explained that the inside of his esophagus is an open wound right now from the acid damage. Whenever he eats, the acid flares up more, which feels like lemon juice on a cut. No wonder he fusses so much, poor guy!

For the reflux, she prescribed Nexium. It will take up to two weeks to work, but she also prescribed him Carafate to coat his throat, protect it from further acid damage, and allow it to start healing. She said we should notice an improvement within three days.

His gas is also making him uncomfortable.  The gastroenterologist recommended that I start him on probiotics, which will balance out the bacteria in his stomach and intestines.  Better yet, probiotics are 100% natural, which means it's not another drug in his little system.

I feel good about the appointment and our plan of action.  Maybe it was just the doctor's certainty and optimism, but she inspired confidence in me. 

Another bonus: Little Man weighed 11 pounds 12 ounces, which is in the 30th percentile.  Way to go, buddy!  He was in the 5th percentile at one month, and 10th percentile at two months.  But in just the last two weeks, he's shot up to the 30th.  What a difference!

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