Sweet Pea and Little Man are fifteen months old today!
Sweet Pea continues to be simultaneously our sweetest, most cuddly child, and also our biggest tantrum-thrower and screamer. She definitely keeps us on our toes!
She is becoming more social, and more likely to smile at strangers or wave at people when we're out in public. She is very proud of her waving, and will wave continuously until someone finally waves back at her.
When Sweet Pea gets irritated about something (Little Man or CC getting too close to her, someone taking a toy away, Mommy or Daddy saying the word "no," etc), she will make a piercing screech/scream and fling her body around violently. This happens even when we're holding her, so we've learned to have a very secure grip on her at all times.
So, needless to say, church has become difficult.
In other news, she's been eating like a lumberjack lately. Hallelujah! She's even started eating some vegetables (broccoli, carrots, peas) and some meats (chicken). She's a big fan of fish sticks. She still won't eat cold pieces of cheese, but she loves melted cheese (grilled cheese sandwiches, quesadillas, macaroni and cheese, pizza). She also loves yogurt and would probably live on it exclusively if I let her.
Sweet Pea babbles nonstop, all day long. "Ma ma ma ma ma" is a big favorite (although she isn't necessarily referring to me). She likes to fluctuate her voice from high to low, and often sounds like she's singing. I suspect that, like her big sister, she will be a big talker once she finally starts.
The cutest new things she's doing is giving kisses. They're big, open-mouthed, sloppy kisses, but they're precious.
Sweet Pea has recently been playing very nicely on her own (as long as her siblings don't bother her). She isn't nearly as "Mommy centric" as she used to be, and doesn't demand I hold her, or scream when I walk away. This is a bit of a relief, because ...
... Little Man has become very "Mommy centric" and screams every time I walk out of his sight! I really can't catch a break -- as soon as one baby becomes ever so slightly easier, another one is waiting in the wings to pick up the slack.
But in general, Little Man is a pretty happy guy. He is quite possibly the world's most ticklish child, and will often collapse into fits of giggles when we've barely touched him. Diaper changes have become more than a little challenging. Just holding his feet up to wipe him clean causes him to laugh and writhe so violently, he has come close to falling off the changing table a few times.
He walks everywhere now, but is pretty klutzy. I often joke that he looks like a prizefighter, because he almost always has multiple bumps, bruises and scrapes on his face from falling down or walking into things. In the last few weeks, he's cut open his eyelid and had two bloody noses and three giant goose eggs on his forehead. He's also fallen off a bed, but that was (ahem) Mommy's fault.
Little Man babbles a lot, too. (No, it's not quiet very often at our house!) But his babbling is more like yelling. "YAAH YAAH YAAH!!" as he toddles through the house, waving a toy or a book in the air.
The cutest thing Little Man's doing lately is throwing his arms in the air anytime anyone asks him how big he is. It makes us laugh every time.
He still loves attention, laughing and making other people laugh. Unfortunately, CC thinks it's hilarious when he does something wrong, which only encourages him to do it more. For example, throwing his food on the floor during meals: CC will have a paroxysm of giggles while Little Man chucks all his vegetables as fast as he can.
Both Little Man and Sweet Pea understand quite a few words now. They both know CC's name, and recently I've noticed that Sweet Pea understands when CC is calling her. They know Rory, Daddy and Mommy. They know each other's names. They respond correctly to basic questions or instructions: "Can Mommy have that?" "Where's your cup?" "Get a book to read."
Sweet Pea continues to be simultaneously our sweetest, most cuddly child, and also our biggest tantrum-thrower and screamer. She definitely keeps us on our toes!
She is becoming more social, and more likely to smile at strangers or wave at people when we're out in public. She is very proud of her waving, and will wave continuously until someone finally waves back at her.
When Sweet Pea gets irritated about something (Little Man or CC getting too close to her, someone taking a toy away, Mommy or Daddy saying the word "no," etc), she will make a piercing screech/scream and fling her body around violently. This happens even when we're holding her, so we've learned to have a very secure grip on her at all times.
So, needless to say, church has become difficult.
In other news, she's been eating like a lumberjack lately. Hallelujah! She's even started eating some vegetables (broccoli, carrots, peas) and some meats (chicken). She's a big fan of fish sticks. She still won't eat cold pieces of cheese, but she loves melted cheese (grilled cheese sandwiches, quesadillas, macaroni and cheese, pizza). She also loves yogurt and would probably live on it exclusively if I let her.
Sweet Pea babbles nonstop, all day long. "Ma ma ma ma ma" is a big favorite (although she isn't necessarily referring to me). She likes to fluctuate her voice from high to low, and often sounds like she's singing. I suspect that, like her big sister, she will be a big talker once she finally starts.
The cutest new things she's doing is giving kisses. They're big, open-mouthed, sloppy kisses, but they're precious.
Sweet Pea has recently been playing very nicely on her own (as long as her siblings don't bother her). She isn't nearly as "Mommy centric" as she used to be, and doesn't demand I hold her, or scream when I walk away. This is a bit of a relief, because ...
... Little Man has become very "Mommy centric" and screams every time I walk out of his sight! I really can't catch a break -- as soon as one baby becomes ever so slightly easier, another one is waiting in the wings to pick up the slack.
But in general, Little Man is a pretty happy guy. He is quite possibly the world's most ticklish child, and will often collapse into fits of giggles when we've barely touched him. Diaper changes have become more than a little challenging. Just holding his feet up to wipe him clean causes him to laugh and writhe so violently, he has come close to falling off the changing table a few times.
He walks everywhere now, but is pretty klutzy. I often joke that he looks like a prizefighter, because he almost always has multiple bumps, bruises and scrapes on his face from falling down or walking into things. In the last few weeks, he's cut open his eyelid and had two bloody noses and three giant goose eggs on his forehead. He's also fallen off a bed, but that was (ahem) Mommy's fault.
Little Man babbles a lot, too. (No, it's not quiet very often at our house!) But his babbling is more like yelling. "YAAH YAAH YAAH!!" as he toddles through the house, waving a toy or a book in the air.
The cutest thing Little Man's doing lately is throwing his arms in the air anytime anyone asks him how big he is. It makes us laugh every time.
He still loves attention, laughing and making other people laugh. Unfortunately, CC thinks it's hilarious when he does something wrong, which only encourages him to do it more. For example, throwing his food on the floor during meals: CC will have a paroxysm of giggles while Little Man chucks all his vegetables as fast as he can.
Both Little Man and Sweet Pea understand quite a few words now. They both know CC's name, and recently I've noticed that Sweet Pea understands when CC is calling her. They know Rory, Daddy and Mommy. They know each other's names. They respond correctly to basic questions or instructions: "Can Mommy have that?" "Where's your cup?" "Get a book to read."
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