Saturday, November 2, 2013

Trick or Treating

This is the final Halloween post, I promise!

Thursday evening we headed out for our very first Morrison family trick or treat.  We borrowed a cute triple wagon from a friend of mine who has older triplets, and it was perfect for our needs:

It even had seat belts to keep little wild animals in their seats.  (This is important, as Little Man in particular has recently shown a shocking disregard for his own personal safety.)

Sweet Pea and Little Man didn't get out of the wagon, but CC happily ran up to each door, rang the bell, yelled "TRICK OR TREAT!!" and politely thanked each family for her candy.  She was definitely feeling the spirit of Halloween!  

All our friends and neighbors oohed and aahed over the kids in their costumes, and Little Man was only mistaken for a squirrel once.

Our final stop was at the neighbors' across the street.  You can see our house in the background:

We only went to the houses of close neighbors, so we were back in less than an hour (tigers and lions go to bed very early around here).  Our bear stayed up a little longer, helping us pass out candy to the big kids who came to the house later.

We had a good time, and MJ and I talked later in the night about how next year, we won't need a wagon -- all three kids will be just as mobile as CC was this year.  We got a real kick out of watching CC have so much fun this year, so next year will be even better!  

(I've already decided what their costumes are going to be, but you'll have to wait to find out!  Hint: They'll be even cuter than this year.  Hard to believe, I know.)

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