Saturday, January 11, 2014

Happiness is a Piano

I studied piano until I went to college.  And then ... I just fell away from it.  Probably because I no longer had a piano to practice.  I always regretted it, but what could I do?

Well, things have changed now.  This beautiful baby was delivered to our door yesterday, and I couldn't be happier:

I've had a space in our living room saved for a piano since we moved here, and MJ and I finally decided to fill it.  It looks perfect there, like I always imagined it would.  I get such a warm, happy feeling when I glance at it, sitting there, polished and beautiful and complete.

The kids are beyond happy.  They've all loved poking at the piano keys at my parents' house, and now they can do it anytime they want.  I'm strongly encouraging them to explore it -- I want them to love the piano well before they start lessons.

I've played around a bit, too, but even running through the exercises I used to do every day is embarrassing!  I am extremely rusty.  But hopefully I can get a bit of my talent back soon.  I'll get out some of my old sheet music, order a few books of fun songs to play, and start playing some kids' music to keep CC, Little Man and Sweet Pea entertained, and I'll be back in business.  

I just need to buy (or make) a cushion for the bench.  Until then, a towel suffices.

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