Monday, March 31, 2014

Sound the Alarm!

Yesterday CC attended the birthday party of a friend of hers. It was held in a fire station. To say CC was excited would be the year's biggest understatement.

Despite being a bit overwhelmed by the crowd (there were about 36 kids in attendance, plus parents), CC finally gathered enough courage to climb in two of the fire trucks there.

The firefighters donned their gear to show kids what they look like when they responded to a call. I support the concept -- firefighters can look pretty scary when they're wearing their masks, helmets, oxygen tanks, etc., and kids might run away from them in an emergency. But the concept was lost on CC, who was so terrified by the fully equipped firefighters that she insisted on being held throughout the demonstration.

Afterwards, when all the other kids were hugging the firefighters and touching their gear, CC wanted none of it.

CC: "I don't want to hug the firefighter."
Me: "No problem -- you don't need to if you don't want to. But firefighters are really nice and they help people."
CC: "I don't need help. I never need help."

Ha! Still, I pushed her to explore the trucks and even ring the bell on the front of one. She loved it! 

MJ stayed home with Sweet Pea and Little Man because the party conflicted with naptime. And unfortunately, ever since we returned home, everyone in the Morrison clan (except me -- for now) has been struck down by a vicious stomach bug. Prayers, please, that this passes quickly!

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