Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Birthday, CC!

Today CC is a big 3-year-old!

She's my big girl, my shining star, my goofy little dictator. She makes us laugh every day with what she says and does. And she (sometimes) makes me want to scream just a little, too.

She LOVES being a big sister (aka The Boss) to her siblings. She is incorporating Sweet Pea and Little Man into her play more and more every day. She's learning how to encourage (read: manipulate) them into doing what she wants. But since it's usually an attempt to get them to play with her, I can hardly object!

She is full of questions, all day, every day. Not just the typical toddler "why?" but real questions. She is extremely observant -- she will immediately notice any detail out of place and ask about it. Her memory is really incredible. I'm starting to think that it's not "just a toddler thing" but an amazing part of who she is.

Earlier this week, for example, I wore an old t-shirt and sweatpants to work in the yard. CC took one look at me and said, "You wore that shirt and pants when I was sick." And I realized those must have been the clothes I threw on when CC had that stomach bug, and I slept with her to help when she needed to vomit all night. How she remembered what I wore one night, when she was sick, last month, in the dark, is beyond me. I have no idea what I wore that night, but I believe CC is correct because I trust her memory that much!

CC is also very artistic. I am excited to see where her talent goes in the next few years. But she's the only child her age I've met who can draw the way she does. She's even starting to write letters: C for herself and S for Sweet Pea and Little Man. Here's a picture she drew of me last week. I couldn't get over the (relatively) proportional arms and legs!

And a picture of MJ, with such detailed facial features, including eyelashes and pupils in his eyes:

She is fiercely, fiercely independent, and is experimenting more and more with what she can do on her own. Lately she's been putting herself to bed, saying she doesn't want us to read to her or tuck her in or sing to her. She asks to go outside by herself (no) or stay home while I take Sweet Pea and Little Man for a walk (also no). I do allow her to go upstairs or downstairs on her own, however. After she gets up from her nap, she often asks to go downstairs alone while I get the twins up and changed. And when I come downstairs with them a few minutes later, I'll find that she has snacks ready -- for herself as well as her siblings.

This age is so wonderful to me. CC and I can have meaningful conversations; I can explain things to her; she can tell me what she's thinking or about experiences she's had. I look forward to every day with her, and another year of memories!

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