Tuesday, January 10, 2017

"Snow" Day

Despite our best efforts, there was very minimal snow last weekend. Very. But that did not tamper the kids' excitement. They all screamed and jumped around when they saw the dusting of white powder outside in the morning.

I had one child who wanted to wear ALL OF THE THINGS.

I had another child who wanted merely to wear a jacket, pajamas, and cowboy boots.

(Notice her bare tummy under that jacket?) 

And I had another child who refused to go outside, then changed his mind three times, then threw a tantrum about wearing any cold-weather gear whatsoever, then insisted on wearing a coat, then screamed that it didn't "feel right," then threw himself on the ground, then got left indoors while the rest of us went out to have fun, then had a tantrum about that, and finally graced us with his presence.

We spent approximately 20 minutes outside. Then we came in for a long bubble bath and some hot chocolate.

Three days later, school is still closed.

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