Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Today is the big day .... Sweet Pea and Little Man's first day of school! They're in big kid school now, and they couldn't get here fast enough. "It's not fair CC gets to go to school every day this week, and we have to wait!" said Sweet Pea, at least sixteen times. But today was finally their day.

They are in the same class together, and they bounced into the room with huge smiles. After a PTA meeting that morning, I peeked in their classroom and they were happily getting packed up for lunch, wearing paper hats they'd clearly made themselves.

The icing on the cake was that Grandma is visiting this week, so she came to see their classroom and meet their teachers, too.

And not to detract from this momentous occasion, but it was also the very first time ever that all three Morrison kids have gone to the same school. Hallelujah!

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