Monday, May 20, 2019

Dane's First Communion

Congratulations to this big guy, who celebrated his First Holy Communion over the weekend! We were so happy to be there to honor him.

He wore a tie that my mom made for Jon's First Communion, with Jon's initials embroidered on it and Dane's added, too. 

I love how CC wore my dress, and Dane wore Jon's tie. In a few years, Sweet Pea will wear my dress again, and Little Man will wear MJ's tie that Grandma saved! Sentimental touches like that make my heart melt.

Afterwards we celebrated at a lovely brunch with our family and Susan's, before heading home.

Unrelated good news: MJ survived his first road trip in more than 6 months, and his back didn't seem any worse! Hooray! It was three hours there on Friday, and three hours back on Saturday. This bodes very well for our scheduled trip to the beach next month. 

Cute pic of our two First Communicants:

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