Thursday, May 16, 2019

Mother's Day Piano Recital

Mother's Day was very nice: MJ surprised me and my mom with flowers and a nice breakfast in the morning, then we went to Mass (CC's first "regular" Mass where she received the Eucharist). Afterwards my dad and Matt treated us all to a very nice brunch.

The big event of the day, however, was the kids' piano recital. Unfortunately it was an evening recital, which was tricky -- at the end of a long, exciting day, when they would normally be getting ready for bed, our kids are hardly in the best frame of mind to sit quietly for an hour and listen respectfully to a piano recital.

Little Man did well, despite being aggressively heckled by his sisters.

When Little Man started misbehaving later in the recital, MJ removed him from the room -- and so neither of them got to watch CC or Sweet Pea play.

Direct link to video:

At the end, I was proud of the kids for working hard on their pieces, if not for their behavior at the recital. I think we will bow out of any future recitals held at night!

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