Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Portfolio Day

The kids had a big day at school last week -- Portfolio Day! Parents are invited to see all the big projects the students worked on over the year. Together, we pick one that's most representative of the child's work that year, and fill out an assessment form that explains why the project was chosen and what character traits the child developed during the project. Then the project goes into the child's permanent portfolio that follows them throughout elementary school. By the time the kids graduate from 5th grade, they will have a full portfolio of representative projects from each of their six years.

Sweet Pea chose a project that illustrated the seasons, and said that summer is her favorite because we go to the beach. She was a "Risk Taker" because she did it by herself and didn't ask for any help.

Little Man picked a penguin that he carefully cut out and formed with construction paper. He says he exemplified being an "Inquirer" because he asked questions and learned a lot about penguins.

CC picked a biography timeline she did on Serena Williams. She was a good "Communicator" because she gave a speech to the class on Serena, and she was also "Principled" because she behaved well when her teacher had to step out of the classroom for a few minutes.

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