Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Last week I got a message from CC's teacher: would we be able to care for the class' baby chicks over the weekend? I couldn't reply fast enough. YES!! How cool is that?

So that's how we ended up spending our weekend: with background noises of "cheep cheep cheep" and the constant clamoring of the kids to hold the chicks.

CC's class started out with six eggs in an incubator, and while they were waiting for the chicks to hatch, they observed the eggs carefully and studied chicken life cycles. Ultimately only three of the eggs hatched. (CC's explanation: "I think the rooster didn't put his part in.")

Meet Dorothy, Blanche, and Sophia! (Rose didn't make it.)

Sophia, the grey one, was the most popular -- she's the smallest. Dorothy is the largest, and the only yellow one. Blanche is (ironically) the black one.

They were only two days old when I picked them up on Friday. But it was amazing how much they grew just over the weekend! By the time I returned them on Monday, they were noticeably larger, had started growing tiny feathers on the ends of their wings, and were much louder! Blanche in particular would shriek at the top of her lungs if separated from her sisters.

(FYI: we pretended the chicks are all girls, but we don't know. According to Google, it's almost impossible to tell the difference between male and female chicks at this age.)

Now they're back in CC's classroom for the last week of school. Afterwards they'll be returned to the farm they came from.

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