Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sweet Pea's Tooth

My computer was down for several weeks -- sorry about that! I have a ton of blog posts to catch up on -- starting with this one.

The tooth in question:

After she got over the initial shock of actually knocking her tooth out ("There was a lot of blood," said the sitter. "I'm not going to lie -- I was pretty freaked out.") Sweet Pea was pretty excited that the Tooth Fairy would be visiting.

But here's the odd thing: although the Tooth Fairy was very careful to leave two gold dollar coins, Sweet Pea came busting out of her bedroom the next morning with three gold coins. MJ and I are mystified. I'm assuming she fished an old gold coin out of her piggy bank just so she could crow about getting an extra. CC immediately decided that the Tooth Fairy gave her an extra one because she felt bad that Sweet Pea got hurt. But Sweet Pea is staying mum, smiling her secretive little smile.

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