Monday, August 12, 2019

Great Wolf Lodge

For over a year, Susan and I have been talking about making a trip to Great Wolf Lodge together. My kids are finally adventurous enough in the water for me to feel like they'd have a great time going down all the water slides. So we finally did it!

Surprising neither one of us, Sweet Pea was the most adventurous of our crew and wanted to ride the "big" slides over and over again. Unfortunately for them, we do not make big children -- and none of them were tall enough to get green wristbands, which allow you to go on the biggest of the big slides like their cousins. But there was still plenty to entertain them.

I don't think Great Wolf Lodge is an every-year kind of trip for us, but it was fun and we'll probably do it again at some point! Especially with cousins -- everything is more fun with cousins.

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