Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Foiling Houdini

When we first got Amber a year and a half ago, she spent the first week constantly jumping over the fence. So we put pickets on the back side of the fence, so she couldn't use the cross-beams to get over. Problem solved. Or so we thought ...

All of a sudden, 1.5 years later, she has started jumping the fence again! Not only to get out, but also (according to neighbors) to get back in! So I did some research, and here's what I came up with:

Coyote rollers! When installed along the top edge of a fence, they can keep coyotes from jumping into yards. But they're equally effective at keeping dogs from jumping out.

After a few YouTube videos and a quick trip to Home Depot, I was ready to go. It took a few hours, but now we have an Amber-proof fence. (Until she lulls us into a false sense of security again, and then comes up with a new trick.)

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