Sunday, March 22, 2020

Life Under Quarantine

Life is so strange right now. Who would have guessed that we'd ever be in this situation? Years ago, I served on my corporation's Pandemic Task Force, where we wargamed through all the issues that a pandemic could cause to our corporate operations. But never did we discuss the possibility of people quarantining themselves.

Although there have been pandemics in our lifetime and our parents' lifetimes, nothing compares to what we are going through now: being asked to seclude ourselves, stay home from work and school, hunker down to save civilization. Yet in other ways, life feels bizarrely normal: we have wifi, all the TV we could possibly want to watch, plenty of food, Amazon delivery of anything else we need.

We are 100% fine. A little inconvenienced, yes, but nothing worth complaining about. MJ is working from home. The kids and I have structured our weekdays as simply and efficiently as possible, with a schedule for play and learning and exploration. Our weekends remain completely unstructured, because I don't want our lives to turn into Groundhog Day

The kids have handled this with typical child-like aplomb. They understand the concept of a virus that's contagious, so they're quick to tell anyone in the neighborhood to keep their distance. The other day, as our kids were playing out front, a boy out on a walk with his family approached Little Man on our driveway. "Stop!" Little Man yelled. "You can't come close to us! We could have it! You could have it!" The parents and I laughed, but they were impressed with Little Man's reaction (as was I).

I hope our friends and family are staying home and staying healthy. God bless us all!

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