Sunday, May 3, 2020

Backyard Camping

The kids have been begging to camp out in the backyard again, so we've been waiting for the overnight lows to be comfortable enough. This past weekend we had gorgeous summer-like weather, and last night was the perfect night.

Little Man helped us get out all the gear. He was really proud of himself for "making Daddy laugh really hard!"

It's always fun to help Daddy start the fire.

What's a camping trip without roasting hot dogs and smores?

Amber had no idea what was happening, but she loved going in and out of the tent, and is always happy to be around food. Yes, she got a hot dog too!

Things don't always work out exactly the way we envision them, especially when there are kids involved. But this camping experience was actually idyllic! The weather was perfect, the kids were well-behaved, we all slept well, and everyone had a fun time!

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