Monday, November 30, 2020

O Christmas Tree

In a Morrison family first, we actually got our Christmas tree in November. But what better year to get into the Christmas spirit early, than the dumpster fire that has been 2020?

We visited a new tree farm this year, and unfortunately it was really crowded despite us arriving right as it opened. I was disappointed at how few people were wearing masks, although we still had our kids wear them when we were near others.

We selected our tree pretty quickly -- a Turkish Fir, nice and fluffy -- and then visited the animals (cows, donkeys, turkeys, alpacas) and played on the haystacks and slide. We finished off with some hot chocolate and gingerbread by the fire, then headed home with our tree.

We spent the rest of the afternoon watching football and trimming the tree. It's Sweet Pea's year to put the star on top, and MJ only grunted a little bit when lifting her up high enough to reach the top. She's deceptively heavy!

I don't want to get all our Christmas decorations out yet, because the entire contents of our kitchen are currently boxed up in the front room, and our back table has been converted into a kind of kitchenette, and I'm feeling flustered by the clutter. But (hopefully) the kitchen will be done this week. Once I've put the downstairs back in order, I'll take out the rest of the Christmas stuff.

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