Monday, September 12, 2022

Birthday Party x 2

It's testament to our crazy summer schedule that just this past weekend, almost one month after their actual birthday, Sweet Pea and Little Man finally had a birthday party on a weekend when my family could attend. Between our trip to Yellowstone, Memere and Pepere's trip to Alaska, Dane and Hayden starting school early, Pepere having Covid, and Patrick and Karen moving out to renovate their downstairs, there just hasn't been a free weekend!

Until last weekend. And we had fun, despite the fact that we were never together at the same time that day. (Dane had a ninja competition, so he and Jon didn't arrive until late, when Patrick and Karen had already left.) But we had a great time!

Memere made two cakes -- Sweet Pea and Little Man's first time having separate cakes! 

Then we opened gifts, and the kids had a blast playing with their toys and trying on their new clothes. We watched a lot of football, and unfortunately everyone's teams lost. Ugh. 

Now I think we can safely say the birthday celebrations are over. We had a party on their actual birthday, plus the friends' party they had at Miss Alice's pool, and now this party. A big thank you to everyone for showering our twins with love for their 10th birthday!

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