Monday, October 3, 2022

Fish Stories

Little Man received a fish for his birthday back in August (along with two snails), and he is very diligent about caring for him. I never have to remind him to feed the fish, or wonder how Fisto is doing.

Until this morning, when we woke up to Fisto lying on the floor of the tank, with one of the snails crawling on top of him. Clearly dead. Whoever said dead fish float belly-up? Little Man was pretty emotional about it, but I told him we'd go pick out another one. We'd only had Fisto for 6 weeks, for goodness' sake!

After school, I took Little Man to Petsmart, where he picked out a new betta fish -- a Black Orchid Betta. Introducing Rex! (It's a double reference -- "King" as well as a Captain Rex, a Star Wars clone commander.)

Once we got Rex settled in the tank at home, I asked Little Man if he was still sad.

"Why?" he asked. "I have another fish now."

Super sympathetic, this one.

But Rex is beautiful, and I'm happy to report that he's much more active than Fisto ever was. I think that's a good sign. He eats more than twice what Fisto ate, he doesn't hide behind the filter all the time, and he spends most of the day swimming around in the open. 

Fingers crossed that Rex lasts longer than Fisto did! 

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