Thursday, October 20, 2022

Poster Contest

CC and Sweet Pea both decided to participate in our school district's IB poster competition. Our elementary and middle schools (and our eventual high school as well) are International Baccalaureate schools, and the program places a great emphasis on certain character traits. This year the district is holding a contest to design posters for each IB character trait. Here is CC's entry:

I'm impressed that she thought to use a student of color on the poster -- not only is our district very diverse, but the IB curriculum emphasizes internationalism and global thought. The questions at the top are the Programs of Inquiry that the curriculum is based around.

Sweet Pea impressed me with how much time and detail she put into her entry. She picked a country's flag from each continent, symbols of the major religions, and some math symbols to show all the ideas she's exposed to in school. I especially love the rainbow border -- it's so Sweet Pea. 

Now we wait to see if either of their entries are chosen! 

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