Friday, March 24, 2023

6th Grade Field Trip

CC got to do something this year that she's never done before: go on an overnight field trip! It was to Atlanta, and I chaperoned the trip (I swear, she wanted me to!). It was a LOOOOONG bus ride, but we had a really fun time. CC was lucky that two of her best friends, Patricia and Aviva, came on the trip, too, and they had a (mostly) great time together.

First up was the aquarium, of course. We got to see a really cool albino shark that was shockingly white.

Those blurry black and white things in the background are penguins. They're so active! And the exhibit allowed you to crawl around in tubes inside, to see them up close.

CC's souvenir from the trip was a stuffed animal from the aquarium. Aviva and Patricia also got stuffed animals, so they made quite a group.

We also visited the Martin Luther King Jr memorial, which includes his birthplace, Ebenezer Baptist Church, and his tomb.

One of the most fun parts of the trip was going go-carting at the Mario Andretti center. Those things went surprisingly fast!

CC wasn't initially happy to go to the College Football Hall of Fame, but she perked up when she saw all the Army memorabilia!

The girls stayed up way too late watching movies, and CC learned that it's actually kind of hard to be with her school friends 24-7 with very little sleep. There were a lot of tears and "I need some space!" and little spats. But fortunately everything blew over quickly. On the way home, all three girls crammed into one bus seat and made a fort. 

Everyone was exhausted when we returned, but it was a blast. Sweet Pea and Little Man can't wait until it's their turn!

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