Sunday, April 23, 2023

Dane's Confirmation

Congratulations to Dane!

We all got together to witness and celebrate his Confirmation this weekend, and it was lovely. His grandparents from both sides, uncles and aunts and cousins all gathered to support him. 

I was most touched by the fact that Dane asked me to be his Sponsor, so as his "coach" I sat with him at Mass and stood behind him, with my hand on his shoulder, when the bishop anointed him. It was so special, and he was so sweet. He kept saying, "Thank you for being here!" and "This is so special!" and it warmed my heart. I agreed with him!

He picked St Albert the Great as his saint, because St Albert is the patron saint of scientists. A perfect fit for Dane!

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend. And bonus: because of my parents' long drive, they spent the night at our house on the way there and the way back. So we got two extra nights with Memere and Pepere! The kids loved it. There was tickling, and piano performances, and puzzling.

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