Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Happy Birthday, CC!

She's talented!
She's trendy!
She's tiny!

CC turned 12 at 9:14 this morning, and by then we had already celebrated with presents, singing, and Chick-fil-A Chick-n-Minis. We will celebrate again tonight, with Grandma and Grandpa and part of the chocolate cake we saved from Party #1.

She was glowing with excitement when she left for school (wearing a birthday crown), and that's a good way to describe her: glowing. Her emotions are all over her face, and most of the time she's a pretty happy little tween. Her favorite foods are sushi, blackberries, pulled pork, and black beans. Her favorite color is still pink (didn't people tell me she'd grow out of it?!). She still loves dressing up and being "fancy," but is getting more and more particular about her clothes. Her newest obsession is makeup, and she wears it whenever possible.

Her favorite activity is art, and she spends most of her time drawing clothes, because she wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up. Her favorite class is Social Studies, but she loves Art and Science too (Math is her least favorite). She desperately wants a phone, but will not be getting one anytime soon. And she was recently cast in her school play, which is nurturing a love of drama that does not surprise me in the least!

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