Sunday, October 1, 2023

Farewell, Tyson

Yesterday was pretty bittersweet and emotional: we said good-bye to Tyson. He's been such a sweet, gentle part of our family for the last 5 months, but it was time for him to go be with his new family. His new dad, Geoffrey, drove here yesterday to pick him up. The kids took one final picture with him (Little Man wore all black for the occasion):

Tyson, we'll miss your gentle demeanor, your romps with Amber, and your goofy puppy-ness. But I won't miss the 4:45am wakeups or the food snatching!

More than a few tears were shed as Geoffrey's truck headed down the road. But he sweetened the deal with a box of bundlet cakes, and we are mollified that Tyson will be in good hands. We've already received a ton of pictures and videos of Tyson and his new sister, Storm. We love you, Ty-Ty!

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