Thursday, June 20, 2024

Brace Face!

Sweet Pea has braces!

She wasn't particularly nervous; she had more of a "let's get this over with" attitude towards the whole endeavor. Her mouth is the most complicated of the three -- the orthodontist estimates that in addition to having four teeth pulled, she'll also need at least two years of braces.

Because she still has a few baby molars, and needs her bicuspids pulled, they only put braces on her front teeth. There are brackets on all the other teeth, so once the babies fall out and the bicuspids are removed, the rest are ready to attach to the wire. But I told her this is actually a good thing: it gives her a chance to get used to the braces in stages, versus having all her teeth sore at once. 

Sure enough, her front teeth were "a little bit" sore yesterday. She didn't even need Motrin. And by the time they connect the rest of her teeth to the wire, she'll be used to the brackets, so it'll be less sore again. Win-win!

CC is scheduled to get her braces off in a few months, so for a while, both girls have matching tinsel teeth. And Little Man is scheduled to get his in December. I hope our orthodontist enjoys the vacation home, yacht, and private jet we're buying him ...

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