Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Summer Surprise

The final week of school before summer break ... and CC's on crutches!

She was doing cartwheels in her room, and smashed her foot hard against her dresser. We treated it with Motrin and ice, and hoped it would be better in the morning. But the next day, she still couldn't put any weight on it at all.

So off she and I went to Urgent Care, where they treated her like a princess and pushed her around in a wheelchair. The X-ray revealed that it's not broken, and her growth plates look good. She just injured the soft tissue. The doctor's official diagnosis was: "You bruised the bejeezus out of it!" Oddly enough, it's not bruised or swollen at all; it doesn't look injured in any way.

Current situation: her foot has a supportive wrap, and she has crutches to help keep her weight off it. Navigating the school bus and carrying her backpack are tricky, but she's managing.

And maybe she's learned a lesson about cartwheels in the house!

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