Monday, September 9, 2024

First Concert!

Last month, we surprised the kids by taking them to their first concert: Imagine Dragons!

They were beside themselves with excitement. They knew most of the words to the songs, and were up dancing and singing most of the time.

Lawn seats were definitely the way to go. We were further away from the stage, but the kids spread out their towels and had room to move around. MJ and I rented chairs, and were reasonably comfortable during the show. I can't imagine any of us would have handled being confined to tiny seats very well, especially in a long row. Although the lawn was crowded, we could easily get up to go to the bathroom, get snacks, etc. Little Man even got in a nap while we waited for the show to start:

Quote of the night goes to Sweet Pea, during the second song, who said, "He took off his shirt for "Bones" so we could see his bones." 

I will forever remember looking over and seeing Little Man rattling off every word to the songs he knew, dancing a bit and moving his hands like he was up on stage himself. He was completely in his element!

I'd heard horror stories about how bad traffic could be getting out of the venue, so we left a few songs before the end of the set. That made all the difference in the world! We sailed out of the parking lot with ease and were home 20 minutes later. It was a late night, but totally worth it.

Core memory: MADE.

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