Monday, August 13, 2012

Bryson's Baptism

This past weekend, our family gathered to celebrate Bryson's baptism.  What a wonderful celebration!  It was so incredible to gather together and welcome him into the church. 

The little angel was perfect during the service and the baptism, sleeping and otherwise being very quiet.

Our family, after the ceremony.  (Hmph, MJ is hiding.  Well, I can't be one to talk -- I was hiding most of my bulk behind Karen and CC!)

A snapshot of Patrick with Bryson that turned out nicely.  What a handsome pair!

We were all reminded of the power of prayer, since Bryson has made great strides medically and physically.  He's gained a lot of weight in the last month, and has started scootching around!  The three of them are getting settled in their new community, fortunately very close to me and MJ, and we are looking forward to seeing them more often.

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