Friday, August 17, 2012

The Big Day

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

If ever a bible verse perfectly summed up our situation, it's this one today!

Here it is, our big day.  We're not leaving for the hospital until 5:15 am, but of course I was wide awake at 3 am.  Even the babies are unusually active; it's as if they know that today is their day, and they are struggling to get out.

I am full of conflicting emotions.  I have to admit to a bit of trepidation about the c-section; although I'm strong and healed well after CC's c-section, it's never fun to go through such  major surgery and recovery.

I'm very excited to meet the babies, of course, and learn whether our family will be adding two more girls, two boys, or one of each.  I'm happy to say that after MJ nixed one of our boy names last week, he and I were able to come up with a replacement (that I like even better!) last night.  He still insists we won't need it -- he's confident we will have two more girls -- but I'm not so sure.  I think at least one of these twins is a boy.

I'm nervous about life with three such small babies.  I'm sure I am speaking for MJ here as well.  We are lucky to have lots of help, and I know that we will figure things out as we go.  We're a good team; we're hard workers; and we've been though tough times together before.

I'm surprisingly emotional, in a way I wasn't before CC's birth.  Running some last-minute errands yesterday, I found myself getting teary: surprisingly not at the idea of the twins' birth, but at the thought of CC meeting them for the first time.

Everything's packed and ready to go.  I'm headed upstairs to shower and get dressed.  In just a few hours we'll be a family of five.  Wow!  Please pray for us.  I will post information and pictures as soon as we are settled, probably later this afternoon.


sonya said...

I will be praying for you although youve probably already had the babies by now. I cant wait to see them!!

B-Mama said...

Waiting with baited breath! Congratulations!!