Monday, August 27, 2012

Thank God for Grandparents!

MJ and I have both been blessed with incredibly supportive parents, and it couldn't have been more obvious since the twins arrived.

My parents were on hand to take care of CC and Rory while MJ and I were in the hospital.  It couldn't have been fun caring for a toddler and shuttling back and forth to the hospital multiple times a day, but seeing them bring CC through the door to our hospital room every time was one of the highlights of our days.


They cooked meals for us, did all the laundry, and had the house all decorated to welcome us home from the hospital.  My dad even weeded some of our badly overgrown flower beds!

Once MJ and I were back home with Little Man and Sweet Pea, my parents took CC back to their house with them for a few days, to give me and MJ time to get settled at home with the new babies.  We missed CC like crazy (so much so that we insisted on getting her back a day early!) but it was definitely a relief to only focus on two babies instead of three those first few crazy days.

Once we were all together as a family again, MJ's parents came to visit.  His mom helped me inventory all CC's newborn clothes, as well as all the boy clothes my dear friend Linda had given us (she "knew" we were having a boy!), so I knew what we were missing.  Then we went shopping, and now both Little Man and Sweet Pea have wardrobes that would be the envy of any modern, stylish baby.

That doesn't even include all the hours they spent holding babies, entertaining CC, and singing to all three grandchildren (MJ's dad has a magical, baby-calming baritone).  And Grandma and Grandpa watched the twins for us while MJ and I took CC out for some special one-on-one time. It was just running a few errands, but it was still precious to spend "normal" time alone with CC. 

When Grandma and Grandpa headed back home, unfortunately MJ had to leave as well.  In a stroke of horrible timing, his firm decided to send him on a business trip this week!  Fortunately my mom was willing and able to come spend the week with me.  And not only has she been invaluable at helping juggle three children, but we're actually getting projects done when they're sleeping!

Next week MJ will be home -- thank the Lord -- but the week afterwards, he's being sent away again.  But MJ's mom has just purchased her airplane ticket to come back to help that week.  I am so incredibly blessed to have such loving help and support!

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