Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Weight Check

Yesterday I brought Little Man and Sweet Pea back to the pediatrician, while my mom stayed home with CC.  It was my first time driving, and my first time going out alone with the twins.  I'm happy to report that it was 100% uneventful and I felt fine the whole time.

(For those of you wondering, the "wait two weeks" advice about driving after a c-section isn't carved in stone.  My doctor told me that as long as I wasn't under the influence of strong painkillers -- which I haven't needed in almost a week now -- and could comfortably turn in the driver's seat to check my blind spots, I was fine to drive.)

Anyway, the most important thing is that the appointment went well.  Each baby had gained 6 ounces since our visit last Wednesday!  That's more than one ounce per day, which is great for babies this age.

Sweet Pea weighs 7 pounds, 5 ounces now.  That's an ounce over her birth weight!  The doctors want to see babies regain their birth weight within two weeks, so the fact that Sweet Pea has exceeded it in just 10 days is fantastic.

Little Man weighs 6 pounds, 5 ounces -- exactly a pound less than his sister.  And believe me, a pound is a lot at this age!  When they are next to each other, you can see a dramatic size difference between them.  He is just one ounce under his birth weight, and since he's been gaining more than an ounce per day, he might even already have regained his birth weight since the appointment yesterday.  Regardless, he's well on his way to regaining it before the two-week point, so he's doing just as well as Sweet Pea.

The nurse was very supportive of me for having nursed the twins thus far.  So for any of you soon-to-be twin moms, or even soon-to-be single baby moms, who are wondering if you can nurse your babies, the answer is definitely YES!  If I can do it, while chasing around a 16-month-old to boot, then anyone can do it. 

I haven't pumped at all (a personal goal of mine this go-around) and we haven't supplemented with any formula.  Eventually the twins will have some formula (because without pumping, it's the only way anyone else could feed them if I wasn't around).  But for this initial period initiating them into the practice of breastfeeding, the twins and I will continue what we're doing.

So thank you, Mother Nature, for giving me the ability to nourish these babies to be strong and healthy.  And thank you, Lord, for blessing us with such healthy babies to begin with, for keeping me calm when the chaos of life with three babies under 1.5 threatens to overwhelm me, and for reminding me every day how lucky I am to have the wonderful family I do.  Amen!

1 comment:

sonya said...

So wonderful!! And congrats on everything. Its been fun following you on this journey! Your babies are just dolls! Cant wait to read more.