Saturday, August 18, 2012

They're Here!

Welcome to the world and to our family, S twins!  (Both their names begin with S.)

S-Girl was born first, Baby A, at 7 pounds 4 ounces and 20 inches.  She entered our world at 8:42 am yesterday.

S-Boy, previously known as Baby B, was a bit smaller at 6 pounds 6 ounces and 19.5 inches.  He followed his sister by just a few minutes, at 8:44 am. He's the little stinker that was so high up in my ribcage!

For the first few hours, S-Boy seemed to resemble his oldest sister, CC, when she was born. He ate voraciously, hollered frequently, was alert the entire time, and constantly tried to shove his hands in his mouth.

S-Girl, on the other hand, slept the whole morning.  But interestingly enough, in the afternoon yesterday, the babies seemed to switch personalities!  And since then, they've been going back and forth.  So only time will tell what their true personalities are.

I have a lot of darling pictures of our day yesterday, including CC meeting the twins (she stared at them for a few minutes, then pointed and said, "Baby!").  But they are currently on my camera. Until I get them downloaded, here is the first picture of them (snapped by MJ on his iPhone). S-Girl is on the left and S-Boy is on the right.

I am tired and sore, so that will have to suffice for now. Thanks to everyone for their support, love and prayers!


Carol said...

Of course I have been stalking your blog for additional photos. Hope the first night went well and I can't wait to hear about CC's reaction when she met her brother and sister.

Rest up.

B-Mama said...

They are just beautiful babies! After visiting here yesterday, I stalked FB and found out the news! Praise God for their health and wellness. I am so happy for you all.

I echo Carol, rest as much as you can at the hospital! You can do this!! xo B