Sunday, August 12, 2012

Week 38

This is my final weekly update.  I can't believe I just typed that!  My scheduled c-section date is in less than a week, and it's looking less and less likely that I will go into labor before that point.

I'm big and heavy.  For each person who tells me that I'm tiny for twins, or that they can't believe I'm carrying two, or that they were the same size I am when they were due with one baby, there is someone else who says, "Holy cow, you're ready to pop!" or who just stares, wide-eyed, at my belly as I walk by.

Physically, I'm ready.  CC's in her new room, which frees up the nursery for the twins.  The newborn laundry and linens are all washed.  The crib mattress in the twins' room is moved up to the highest height.  And I'm uncomfortable enough to want the babies out.

Emotionally, I'm ready.  I am eager to meet them, find out their genders, introduce them to CC, share them with family and friends.  I want to smell their newborn smell, cuddle them, and start to get to know them.

Otherwise, I'm not sure I'm ready!  Then again, I'm not sure I could ever be ready for newborns and a 16-month-old at the same time.  Once the babies are here, though, I won't have a choice and we will figure things out.

Plans have been made for our hospital stay and visits from the grandparents.  CC will be cared for by my parents, who will stay at our house while we're in the hospital and also take care of Rory.

I've taken care of everything I can think of.  And I've deliberately not planned anything for this last week, knowing that a) I should rest as much as I can, and b) tasks are bound to pop up.

I will probably post one more picture on Thursday, the last photo I will take of myself pregnant before the twins are born.  Next Friday's "Photo Friday" will be a picture of the twins!


B-Mama said...

Woo hoo! SO very exciting... God speed during this final week and know we are sending prayers heavenward for a smooth and healthy delivery. Can't wait to see those babies! I'm guessing boy and girl--the boy being the one who's lying crosswise under your ribs... ;) God bless.

sonya said...

omgoodness this is so exciting!! I cant wait to see if you have boys or girls, or maybe one of each!! God Bless you and your babies! By the way your silhouette looks amazing (Im gonna be one of those people)

Jessica said...

So excited to see the new little ones :) Im betting on one of each or two boys!