Wednesday, September 5, 2012

CC Update

Lest anyone worry that we aren't focusing enough on our first-born child, here's a pic of CC in one of her new fall outfits.  She was on the verge of simultaneously outgrowing every outfit in her wardrobe, so last week my mom and I went shopping and got her a variety of clothes in the 18-month size.  Most of it is long-sleeved because she will wear these into the cooler fall weather.  This outfit is one of my favorites (I'm a sucker for jumpers.  Maybe it's all those years in Catholic school?).

Everyone is asking us how CC is adjusting to having two newborn siblings.  Well, it's been challenging, that's for sure!  It's a full-time job just to keep her from hurting the babies.  Not deliberately -- she's not malicious about it.  But she's very overeager to help (trying to jam pacifiers in their mouths at every opportunity) and overly rambunctious and rough in general.

She is not trustworthy, even for a minute, around the twins.  I'm not sure if she's trying to play with them, or if she's trying to elicit a response from us, but she has tried to bash them in the heads with her toys, smack them, step on them, climb on top of them, rip their blankets off them, drop things onto them, etc.  When we tell her to be gentle and not to hurt the babies, she runs away, shrieking with laughter.  We definitely need to watch her like a hawk!

(I don't necessarily think her behavior is related to the twins' arrival, because she's doing the same things to Rory, poor dog.  So it might just be a developmental phase she's going through.)

One positive result of the twins entering CC's life is that it has made her much more of a Daddy's girl.  MJ spends most of his home-time now focusing primarily on CC, so she has started preferring him over me.  It's a little bittersweet, but I'm glad she's forging such a strong relationship with her daddy.  This morning she fell down, and although I was right next to her, she ran past me and over to MJ for comfort.  Hmph!

1 comment:

Yolo Momma said...

Eliza is a rather rough kid in general, and we are hoping this biting stage is on the way out. It will be interesting when our baby boy comes in January....