Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Recovery

Well, it's been four weeks now and I am pretty pleased with how things have gone on my end.

My incision has healed well with no issues, just as it did after CC's birth. My doctor made an extremely low incision with CC's birth (even the nurses at the hospital commented on it), and he made this incision directly on top of the old one. It's so low that I never needed to worry about the waistbands of pants, etc, interfering with the healing process. And no matter how skimpy a bikini I might wear in the future, no one will ever see the scar.  Ha!

Considering there were two babies this time, and Little Man was so high, there was a LOT of tugging to get them and their placentas out. I assumed this would mean extra soreness and a longer recovery for me. I was pleasantly surprised that wasn't the case. My second day home from the hospital (just four days after the twins were born), I had virtually no more pain! I could lift CC and even swing her around. I could get up and down from the couch, even while holding a baby. I could get in and out of bed for all of those middle-of-the-night feedings. I could go up and down the stairs multiple times a day. I could sleep on my stomach (bliss!). My recovery this time was definitely quicker than last time, and for that blessing I am exceedingly grateful.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this next point, but so far there has been no recurrence of the mastitis I had (twice!) after CC was born. Mastitis is a horrible infection that feels like a bad flu, and can be very tough to get rid of. Thank goodness I haven't had it this time! Maybe God figured my plate was full enough already?  :-)

And lastly, my weight gain. I gained a whopping 60 pounds during this pregnancy.  I'm pleased to report that I've already lost 50. Ten to go! (Hopefully more than ten, to be honest.)  I am wearing non-maternity clothes again, but not all of them. Pants, jeans, skirts and shorts all fit me fine again. My non-maternity shirts, on the other hand, aren't all wearable yet. Many are too short to cover the small round belly I still have, and others aren't practical for a nursing mother to wear.

My abdominal muscles are definitely still separated, as evidenced by my round belly and the fact that the muscles come to an odd "point" when I strain them. So no situps or crunches yet! I am hoping to get my formerly flat tummy back before long. But unfortunately my appetite is out of control lately, so I'm afraid I will never see my old body in the mirror again!

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