Monday, September 17, 2012

One Month!

Wow, it's already been a month! Time has gone really fast, and not in the same way it did with CC.  When we hit the one-month mark with CC, as with all her time milestones, I felt a wistfulness about how she was growing up so fast. But Sweet Pea and Little Man's first month seems more like a blur! I guess sleeplessness and keeping track of three babies will do that to you!

Their doctor's apointment isn't until Thursday, so I don't know how much bigger they've grown. But their clothes aren't as baggy, and, in some cases, are actually tight. I've had to move Sweet Pea from the newborn onesies to the 0-3 month size, for example.  Little Man is still a bit scrawny-looking, but I noticed today that his legs are starting to fill out, and he's getting a bit of a tummy. There's no doubt about Sweet Pea; she stopped looking scrawny about 2 weeks ago! And she seems much heavier when I pick her up.

Sweet Pea

They are on a pretty solid feeding schedule of every 2.5 - 3 hours. I almost always nurse them, but they get an occasional bottle of formula if I am not around at feeding time (rare thus far, but MJ and I have a weekend away coming up!). When they drink from a bottle, they both take about 4 ounces at a time.

Unfortunately, their feeding schedule remains the same during the night, which means I'm getting up at least 3 times every night to feed them. Sweet Pea is following in CC 's footsteps by demanding meals like clockwork, so when she's hungry I wake Little Man and feed him at the same time. Feeding them and getting them back to sleep usually takes about an hour each time. Sweet Pea goes right back to sleep without missing a beat, but Little Man needs a lot of rocking, and a pacifier, and re-swaddling, and then me laying him down ever-so-gently and tiptoe-ing out of the room ... only to go back in about 30 seconds later to try the whole soothing routine again when he wakes up and starts crying!

Little Man. Yes, I know all his pictures show him with a pacifier in his mouth.

This is what Little Man looks like without a pacifier in his mouth!

I've made some adjustments to their sleeping arrangements since my last post. Sweet Pea now sleeps wearing a one-piece footed sleeper, and is not swaddled. After several frustrating nights with Sweet Pea being unhappy, I finally had my eureka moment.  She naps well during the day without being swaddled, so why not at night? And it worked. She has slept peacefully for the last few nights without being swaddled. However, she does not do well laying on a flat surface, so she is still sleeping in her carseat.

Not so with Little Man. He is not happy at all when his arms are free, yet he continues to wiggle out of my swaddling attempts.  However, he has surprised me by doing well sleeping in the crib.  Maybe there will come a day when neither needs to be swaddled and both are sleeping in the crib?!

Both of them are giving me flashes here and there of smiles. It mostly happens right after they eat, but it's not consistent enough for me to capture on camera (or to believe they are "real" smiles). But we are getting close, I'm sure.

1 comment:

sonya said...

Cheers to nursing twins!! thats amazing!! seems like a month has gone by soo very quickly! The babies are so adorable