Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Yesterday, while taking a walk with my neighbor (thanks, Alice!), CC fell and scraped her knee.  She apparently didn't cry at all, but it broke the skin and bled a little bit. 

Naturally, instead of running for a band aid, I ran for my camera.  CC's first injury!  She was fascinated.  Even hours later, when MJ came home from work, the first thing she did was run up to him and point at her knee.

Knowing her, it will be the first of many.  MJ and I have already discussed enrolling her in a tumbling class so she can learn to fall safely!

1 comment:

Yolo Momma said...

All of our real boo boos have been trauma to the mouth....and they of course bleed all over the place. I'll take a scraped knee any day!