Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Safe Zone

Ha!  CC has been foiled.  We've borrowed this extremely effective play yard to fence off a safe area for the twins.  Now we don't have to be quite as paranoid about CC jumping on, hitting, or otherwise torturing Little Man and Sweet Pea.

CC was very curious as I was setting it up.  Once it was in place, she realized pretty quickly that it restricted her from getting at the babies.  She scowled, shook the fence with both hands, and roared like King Kong in a cage.  Then she threw her sippy cup over the top, narrowly missing Sweet Pea.  Hmmm.  Well, the play yard might not be perfect, but it's a huge improvement.

P.S.  I'd also like to mention that in a previous life, I was a minimalist about baby "stuff."  Even as recently as six weeks ago, I could put away all of CC's toys in a matter of minutes after she went to bed, and then feel as if MJ and I were in a fairly adult, child-free living room.  Yet now our living room looks like a Babies R Us.  Sigh.

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