Saturday, September 1, 2012

Recipe for Success?

CC was not an easy baby, but one thing she has always excelled at is sleeping.  She was sleeping through the night by one month old, and to this day continues to sleep consistently and long.  I can almost set my clock by her bedtimes and wakeups.

Not so with these twins, I have learned!  And it's been a hard lesson -- CC really spoiled me.  I am learning from scratch how to teach babies to sleep, and it's not easy.  Although Sweet Pea seems to be a good sleeper, she has a healthy appetite and wants to eat at least every three hours.  Little Man, on the other hand, only wants to sleep when he's being held.  As a consequence, I've been spending more time sleeping (dozing) in the glider than I have in my own bed. 

Little Man

So I've tried everything I can think of, and with the addition of pacifiers last night, I might have achieved success.  Here's my recipe:

Tight swaddles + carseats + pacifiers = sleeping babies!

Sweet Pea

I'm hoping to transition them to their crib soon, maybe in the next week or so, but I need to stick to what works for the next few nights, just to make sure it's the right combination.  But all signs point to yes.  Last night, for the first time, I spent more time in my own bed than I did in the nursery!

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