Monday, September 10, 2012

Sweet Pea

Although I didn't fully realize it at the time, selecting "Sweet Pea" as our newest daughter's blog nickname was incredibly appropriate.  The more we get to know her, the more obvious it is that our Sweet Pea is the essence of sweetness.

She is incredibly tolerant of all the necessary baby handling: changing diapers, dressing and undressing, being swaddled, etc.  Yes, she has her moments of loud crying, but it's almost always when she's hungry.

Sweet Pea has actually slept through the night three times already!  She is a very deep sleeper and difficult to rouse for a meal when she's fast asleep.  (Yes, I break that cardinal rule of never waking a sleeping baby -- moms of twins have to!  In order to get them on the same schedule, whenever one is hungry, I wake the other to eat at the same time.)

She's starting to pack on the weight now.  I won't know exactly how much until her one-month appointment, but I can tell by her chubby baby belly, her round face and cheeks, and how her legs and arms are filling out.  She's definitely not a scrawny newborn anymore!

Her birthmark is a bit more noticeable now than it was at birth -- it has darkened on the bridge of her nose and looks like a red scratch. But it doesn't detract one bit from her perfection in our opinions! 

Occasionally she is restless in the evening, and it takes a while to get her to sleep.  But I never object to cuddling this little girl; she is generally so peaceful that it's calming to just hold her close to me.  MJ said last week, "Can you imagine if you only had one child, and it was Sweet Pea?  You'd think having a baby was the easiest thing in the world!"

I will have to be careful to give Sweet Pea all the attention she deserves. With such a demanding and active older sister, and a feisty twin brother, it would be easy to let such a low-maintenance baby sit quietly by herself! I treasure the moments when it's just me and Sweet Pea, when I can admire her beautiful face, stare into her grey-blue eyes, and hold her calm little body.

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