Friday, October 19, 2012

18 Months

CC doesn't seem like much of a baby to me anymore. Not just because she's 18 months old today, but because having two tiny babies in the house makes her development seem that much more advanced. What a difference a year and a half makes!

- Her comprehension continues to increase at an alarming rate.  Pretty soon I'll have to start spelling words when I don't want her to listen!

- Her verbal vocabulary is expanding, but it's still mostly one-syllable sounds that we have to decipher. She is starting to pronounce the ending sound on some simple words. It's funny to hear her over-enunciate, like "ouT" when she wants to go outside, or "uP" when she wants to be held. Her most impressive word to date: orange. She pronounces it "oh-onge." (It's the fruit, not the color -- are you surprised?)

- She still makes good use of her signs.  She knows "please," "drink," "hungry," "all done," "more," and -- most recently -- "sing."

CC using her sign to ask me to sing

- She has discovered the joy of running, and after weeks of frequent wipeouts seems to have mastered it. Poor Rory bears the brunt of it as CC chases her around the house, shrieking.

- Her fine motor skills are improving, too. She is starting to make the hand gestures for some songs we sing, like The Itsy Bitsy Spider. So cute! And she's doing very well with a fork. We haven't tried a spoon yet, but that's next.

- She is starting to enjoy crafts. She's pretty good at staying on the paper with crayons, and rarely tries to eat them anymore. She recently received some Play-Doh as a gift and asks to play with it every day (by pointing to the blue container on the counter and saying, "boo?").

- Her hair still isn't long enough for any kind of clip or bow, but at least she doesn't look bald anymore. It's white-blonde, like MJ's as a child, and straight with a few curls behind her neck.

- She is wearing 12-18 month clothes, size 4 diapers and size 5 shoes.

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