Thursday, October 18, 2012

18 Month Appointment

Ever get the feeling that the pediatrician should give frequent flyer miles? Ha! Today we were right back at the clinic for CC's 18-month checkup.

The doctor warned me right off the bat that this checkup tends to be the hardest for kids -- developmentally they're at their most clingy and fearful, so strangers poking and prodding them doesn't go over very well. And sure enough, CC didn't even tolerate the weighing and measuring without a fuss. But fortunately everything is fine and she continues to be as healthy as a horse.

CC weighs 22.9 pounds (25th percentile) and is 30 inches long (10th percentile). Her head apparently shrunk this month, although the doctor laughed and said the measurement at her last appointment was probably off.

The doctor was impressed at how verbal she was. At this age they like children to be saying -- or trying to say -- at least 5 words. But CC probably has about 30.  And the autism screen went well. It was mostly questions about how CC interacts with people and her toys. CC is extremely social, so no concerns there.

Finally, of course, there were shots. Three this time (you can see the bandaids in the picture). I had the job of holding CC in a very tight hug while the nurses injected the vaccines into her arms. Being CC, she cried about being held, and the first vaccine was administered without her even noticing. But she definitely noticed the last two!

Next appointment: two year checkup. Wow -- six months between appointments! And after that, it will be just once per year.

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