Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Heartwarming Visit

I know I've mentioned my dear friend Carol on this blog before. MJ and I were close with her then-boyfriend, Tom, when we were at Notre Dame. Little did I know, when Tom introduced us to Carol on one of her visits to South Bend, how close she and I would become.

The following years saw Carol and Tom engaged, she and I shopping for her wedding dress, MJ and I traveling to Princeton for the wedding after the guys took their respective bar exams. A scant nine months after their wedding, they welcomed their son, our godson Patrick.

At the time, they were living in Mississippi where Tom was clerking for a federal judge, far from friends and family. I flew to stay with them when Patrick was born to help with Carol's c-section recovery. And it just so happens that a year later, we got pregnant at the same time: Carol with Tommy and me with CC, born just two days apart. Naturally we asked Tom and Carol to be CC's godparents.

And when she learned I was expecting twins, the first thing Carol said to me (okay, maybe not the first) was that when the babies were born, she would leave her kids at home and come visit to help. And true to her word, last Thursday she arrived for a stay that even included some babysitting so MJ and I could have a date. Now that's a friend!

Knowing that I am almost always the one behind the camera, she insisted on taking precious pictures of me with the kids throughout the weekend, including this one of me with CC that I adore:

And this one of our family. It's the only family picture we've taken since the hospital!

Could there have been a better visit? It's friends like this who make my heart smile. And I am doubly blessed to have two such good friends: my equally dear friend Kris will be coming to visit in just a few weeks. I can't wait!  Rest up, Kris!

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