Wednesday, October 24, 2012


We're back!  Well, three-fifths of us are.  MJ has been in Phoenix on a business trip since Sunday, but is catching the red-eye home tonight and will arrive home in the morning.  While he was gone, I took the kids and Rory and went to visit my parents.  I returned home today with Rory and the twins, but left CC at my parents' house, because we'll see them at my nephew Dane's birthday party on Saturday and can get her back then. 

MJ has had a better-than-expected time in Phoenix, because they've been staying in the middle of a cool downtown area, plus his good friend Brett from the firm is on the same trip.  The kids and I had a good time visiting with their grandparents. But we're looking forward to all being together again soon.

In the meantime, here's a cute video of CC.  While at my parents', we took the kids and went to the mall to meet my sister-in-law Susan and Dane. After lunch we went to the indoor play area and let CC and Dane crawl all over the place.  My mom helped CC overcome her initial fear of the slide and within minutes CC was proudly sliding all by herself.

Here's a direct link to the video:

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