Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Two-Month Appointment

Today Little Man and Sweet Pea had their two-month appointment at the pediatrician. 

First on the agenda: Little Man's reflux/fussiness/screaming/eating issues.  The prevacid has not worked, and in fact Little Man has been worse these last few days.  His screaming while nursing has intensified and lately he hasn't slept well at all at night -- and that's an understatement.

The pediatrician and I have a new plan to suss out the problem.  Little Man eats formula well from a bottle, but I'm not sure if he eats it well because it's formula, or because it's a bottle.  So for the next few days, I'm going to bottle-feed him pumped milk.  If he struggles, as he does when I try to nurse him, then I know there's something about my milk that doesn't agree with him.  If he drinks it fine from a bottle, then I know it's just the act of nursing that he doesn't like.  I suspect he doesn't like nursing, and if that's the case, we have a lactation consultant to see.

Also, the pediatrician noticed a slight heart murmur that Little Man did not have at his one-month appointment.  She is not concerned at all -- in fact she told me that two of her three children had the same thing -- but she recommends we see a cardiologist just to make sure it's nothing.  Apparently babies often have murmurs that resolve themselves in the first 6-12 months.

Sweet Pea's portion of the appointment was quick and easy.  All her vitals and measurements were fine.

Speaking of measurements, Little Man surprised me by catching up to Sweet Pea this month!  He weighs 10 pounds 2 ounces (10th percentile), while she weighs 10 pounds 3 ounces (25th percentile).  I knew he would have gained a little on her this month, because he eats so much -- despite his screaming.  But considering that she has been almost a full pound heavier than him since birth, I was surprised he caught up to effectively the same weight in just one month.  Maybe he'll continue to gain until their percentiles match.

Sweet Pea's head is still large: 40 centimeters (95th percentile).  Little Man's is 38 centimeters (25th percentile).  And they are both 21.5 inches long (5th percentile).

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